John 3:16
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He(even) gave up His only begotten (unique) son, so that whoever believes in( trusts, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal(everlasting) life" Amplified Bible
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here.
When you totally surrender to Christ and grow roots in Him( through reading His word and praying) you will have new desires. You will want to spread the gospel, obey all God's commandments, and just be more like Christ everyday. But Guess what? The enemy does not want that. He will mess with your mind. The trick of the enemy is to remind you daily of the wrong you did but it is your duty to put his words under the word of God. This is why you need to read the scriptures and have them in your heart.
For example before the Holy Spirit gave me wisdom and revelation to know God better. Before the eyes of my heart was enlightened with the Word of God to know the hope to which he called me, and the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people I was looking to what other believers did. If you want this experience, the prayer is in Ephesians 1:17. I did not understand that my only comparison was to be more like Christ. I did not understand what it truly meant to be a Christian.
I went to a club which I have already decided I was not going to anymore 2 years ago when I heard a teaching on compromising your Christian life. But due to my so called Christians friends were going I went as well . So right now as I am living out my calling in Christ I sometimes have thoughts of people won't take me serious or I am not ready but God says different. Time is nothing. It is your decision that matters and you being grounded in the faith. If I was rooted and grounded in God's word as I should, I would have not fallen in that temptation. Also another thing that may hold back your Christian walk is culture. Being a Nigerian there is a lot of values they have that have shaped my life but I have to always make sure it aligns with God's word. Another reason I went to the club was because my church members were going who are not clearly rooted in the word of God and because the club is owned by a Nigerian. I am still having to put my daily decisions under God's ways not culture. Culture may say, In America most young people start dating young from middle school but what does God say? Courting should only start in the intend to get married not for fun or to have someone texting your phone. I thank God I did not become a victim to the devil in this area.
so beloved the only way you can avoid temptation and enjoy your time serving God is being rooted and grounded in the word of God and through prayer. The devil is roaming around looking for whom to devour and if you do not fight with your armor(read my blog Are you covered) you will fall a victim. There is work out there for you to do that God has designed for you. If you will only awake, rise up and use your story as a testimony instead of beating yourself up about it or hiding it or running to more worldly things to try and hide the pain. Get up ,Get up,
Be blessed!!!!!! I love You.
Be blessed!!!!!! I love You.
I really love this post so honest and i can relate to it very well. I thank God for his inspiration and opening of your heart n mind. With God's sword you n I will resist temptation n always n forever walk in his light.We will be great disciples of christ.Amen.
ReplyDeleteAMEN, Thanks honey bunches of oat lol, God bless