Saturday, August 13, 2022

My turning point from church girl to Disciple of Christ.

Hey Yall!!

I know it has been years since I posted on this blog. I give God glory for his faithfulness, love and protection upon me and my family from when I started this blog to now. This blog is coming about because I watched a video testimony of a fellow sister in Christ Valerie sharing about why she denounced her allegiance to her sorority.  Please see video below.

While watching the video the Holy Spirit was pressing on my heart to share my testimony also. Here it goes.

I grew up in a Christian household. We went to church every Sunday. We probably never missed a Sunday service. I was a obedient, studious and a hardworking child. If you ask my parents they would say I was a good child for the most part I did have my stubborn times but I was not rebellious. I love church and learning about God. Where I grew up in Nigeria religious studies was taught in school. I learned about Jesus and his disciples and I assumed if you were not Muslim in my country then you were Christian and there were people who practiced idol worship (they have man made gods they worship which either they created or was passed from one generation to another). I lacked understanding on what true Christianity and fellowship with God through the Holy Spirt was. 

Fast forward to teenage years, we relocated back to America in 2007. I was born in America but relocated to Nigeria at 7 years old. We continued going to church every Sunday. My twin sister and I were in the youth choir at the church we were attending. I enjoy singing so I am always excited to be apart of a choir. I enjoyed that season of my life even though there were barriers to making friends and immersing into American culture since we were from a different country and had an accent so people tend to see us different or ask questions of where we were from.

Fast-forward to 2010 I went off to college in a city about 3 hours away from home I believe I had strong foundation in the word of God and faith in Jesus Christ. I went to college with a King James version of the Bible I bought from Family Dollar or maybe my mom bought it I do not remember. I joined a Christian organization freshman year called Eden Ministries. We were having a revival night or some special program I cannot recall exactly what the program was but it was to seek the face of God and be spiritually empowered which I did not even know what that meant then. One of the leaders asked me a question through God's leading " She said I was lukewarm and God is asking do I want to serve Him". I have never heard that type of language before. I said to myself why would I come to this meeting if I did not want to serve Him. I thought to myself have I not been serving God all my life going to church and singing in the choir.  After that day I stopped attending the fellowship. My first year of college was done. My second year of college started I was in the same dormitory with people I went to High school with. I was happy. One of the things talked about is that in college you make long lasting friendships. I began to attend college campus parties hosted by the different fraternities and sororities of the school. I did not think there was anything wrong going as the people hosting the events called themselves Christians. I attended the parties to have something to do since that is what everyone else was doing. I did not understand that our walk with God is personal and you cannot look to others/compare yourself with others to know the right way to go but you have to compare yourself to the Word of God. I did not engage in fornication (pre-marital sex) so to myself I thought I was doing better than others. I did attend a fellowship on campus but looking back I know the word of God there was not strong as I felt no conviction to change after hearing the word of God I went about life as usual.  

My third year of college started and I was told about the opening of a Redeemed Christian Church of God in the city where my college was located. I began attending weekly Sunday services and joined the choir ministry there. I learned about what God requires as his follower so I stopped attending college parties. During my third year of college I was part of the African student association on campus our purpose was to spread cultural awareness and unite Africans on campus. We organized events and had weekly meetings to do so. After the African festivals were over, other executive board members would organize an after party. I would not attend because I had better understanding on why as a follower of Christ we should not attend such events. My last year of college was the same I was learning more about God and avoiding unfruitful works of darkness Ephesians 5:11

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them"

I graduated college April 2014. My pastor at RCCG Kalamazoo gifted me an NIV Bible as a graduation gift. I had good grades and loved God I thought I would have a nice job lined up after graduation and life would be great. God had other plans for me. I went through a pruning season of having to unlearn things I had learned in church about God that was not true. During the summer of 2014 after my college graduation I was watching YouTube videos and came across Brittany Jay's YouTube channel called High Heels High Standards. She shared her testimony about how she grew up in church and was blind to the light of the gospel so when she went off to college she engaged in the unfruitful works of darkness but God saved her in 2012 and she has been joyous and on a mission to help other women learn about their worth in Christ. Check out her ministry page. You will be blessed. Brittany's testimony resonated with me even though her story was not exactly the same as mine but her testimony and videos answered the questions I had in college about how can so many people say they are Christians but not follow God's standard of living. She had videos talking about what we are suppose to be doing as followers of Christ and how we need to read the Bible for ourselves and not depend on weekly services for spiritual empowerment. I started reading the Bible on my own and praying and I started watching more sermons and Biblical teachings. In college I was not doing that and I did not see the importance of it then. After that I started this blog to get the word of God out to other people. I wanted as many youths as possible to hear Brittany's Testimony so my sister and I started a ministry called Burning 4 Christ to teach and disciple other youths. We were able to bring Brittany from Atlanta to Detroit with the help of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Detroit assembly and she spoke to the youths. I always think back about that program the power of God in the hall that day was so strong and powerful. After that my family and I encountered trials and tribulations. Now this is 2022 I am still walking with Christ digging deeper into His word to learn about God and help others on the narrow path of salvation.

My testimony is that you need to have an encounter with God like Samuel did, Samuel grew up in prophet Eli's house and he was a good and obedient boy unlike Eli's sons but until He had an encounter with Christ and had the word of the Lord revealed to Him He was not able to walk in his calling. God has placed each and every one of us on this earth for a purpose. We have to discover our identity in Christ. 1 Samuel: 3 V 1-21

Matthew 7:13 NLT  You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad and its gate is wide for many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

I pray that as you have read this post that you will have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ in Jesus Mighty Name. Thanks for reading through. God bless you as you strive to improve your walk with Christ.

Grace and peace


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Never Have I...

I am a 22 years old girl that has never been kissed. I do not say this to brag. I know it is very weird. Most girls have had a kiss before but I do not know what holds me back.  Most people will say I am lying but that is the truth heaven bares witness. I am human of course do I think about it? "YES" I wonder who my true love will be or who I would let myself be vulnerable with and take a chance. Of Course I am a beautiful girl thanks mom and dad. I get a lot of advances and I do not know why I can't give them a chance. I know why because I am waiting for my King. I want a guy ready 4 a chase and a man of God. I want a guy with the same beliefs as me and a guy handsome to me. God is that too much to ask. I cannot date/court someone  I am not attracted to.

This blog is just a rant. I see so many girls getting married or coupled up and I do wonder where is mine but I would rather wait than jump into heart ache. I know love takes work and sacrifice but I want to experience the honeymoon. This is a prayer God make a presentation to me and let me know He is the one.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend

In today's society the word friend is used so loosely. I can meet someone yesterday and because I have their number or added them on Facebook, snap chat, instagram or any other social media the person is now my friend. In regards to this issue I am talking about a real friend. I am not referring to an acquaintance or associate. A friend is someone who you share things with, hang out together at each others house or apartment and know each other's family or even considered like family.

 Family and friends are the most influential people in one's life. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says bad company corrupts good character. if you grew up in a church going family or let me say Christian. You were taught or warned about certain behaviors that were not proper/decent. Pre-marital sex, drinking, smoking and some other carnal things we were warned against. If you do not have a foundation in Christ as soon as people start talking about those things your weak flesh starts to indulge in them and from there you are heading down the path of death. Many Christians have said their friends do not influence them or do not matter but that is a lie. If you are not helping someone climb higher the person is bringing  you down. Honestly the reason you hang around such people is because your mind/heart is filled/curious about such things.

Christians we need to really take a look at our friends. Do we have friendships or sinful ships? Sinful ships is with people you only hang out at clubs,house parties etc and when you get together all you do is curse, talk about people etc , Friends should be people who keep you accountable to living a life that is glorifying to Jesus not contrary. You should be able to confess your sins to each other and pray for one another. The Christian walk is not easy so you need people around you to constantly encourage you towards the light of Jesus not into the darkness of Satan. This is a really important aspect of our Christian walk. You may go to church with someone it does not mean they are in Christ. A person in Christ is different from a church goer. A church goer goes to church mostly every Sunday or once in a while to show God "hey see me keep blessing me and do not let me go to hell" while a person in Christ is sincerely seeking Christ day to day and looking to become more like Christ.

Evaluate your friends and see if there are leading you to Christ or towards destruction. You cannot walk with someone unless you agree so check yourself and make amendments. The saying still goes show me your friends and I will show you who you are. The people we hang out with have a great impact on us. You may have to go through a friendless season when drawing closer to Christ but remember you are not alone the Holy Spirit is your comforter and helper.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Children of this generation

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Most children born recently are not started off well. They are being neglected by their parents. They are leaving the training of their children to the media. Media is of the devil so mostly everything on TV,radio and in popular magazines contradict the Bible. Ephesians 2:2 talks about the devil being the ruler of the kingdom of the air. Taking children to church is not the solution It helps but church is  only one day they can learn something that will influence them to become godly children. I cannot even vow they are learning it in their sunday classes. As parents you should talk,discipline and love your children, Some parents do not talk with their children unless to send them on errands. They do not teach them the word of God or have daily devotions together. Time spent with people is more valuable than giving/ buying material things. My mom has a quote on the wall that says " Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but the moments that take our breaths away".Some parents buy the most expensive gadgets to show love or to make up for time not spent with kids but it is spoiling the child and making matters worse. In order to raise godly children the parent has to be godly not religious. If they are religious or just church goers the children may or may not become godly. The parents have to be saved(born again). They have to recognize there are sinners by nature and without God there are nothing. People always think if someone is good in society's eye there are good to God. By no means that is not how God works. His word is what everyone will be judged by so study to show yourself approved.

I remember when I grew up. God bless Nigeria. I knew the importance of God. I may not have understood as I do now but I saw the importance of going to church, singing praise and worship and putting offering. In school we had assembly where we sang, and prayed to God. I even had to take Bible knowledge classes. God was instilled in children everywhere they went. In America the Devil has taken over and probably now in Nigeria the devil is getting to children through social media. I pray Nigerians will understand the rich foundation they have centered around God and stop trying to follow America's ungodly ways. The solution to America's problem is to humble themselves before God and pray and turn from their wicked ways. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

In Nigeria Christmas was about God and family. We put up a tree but we did not expect gifts but here in America Christmas is all about shopping and buying gifts instead of appreciating the free gift(Jesus Christ) God gave us that we did not deserve. Thanksgiving a holiday were people are suppose be thankful is turned into people consumed with over feeding themselves when other people are starving,homeless and cannot get a glass of water to drink. Then after the fake thanksgiving people go spending money they probably do not have on things they do not need because of an illusion of sales. I would not even get started talking about Halloween. I will save if for my book lol. When I was younger I barely got anything I truly wanted but I had all I needed even though as a kid I probably did not recognize it. I remember wanting a barbie house and other expensive toys and did not get it. In this century some kids have better phones, and so much expensive stuff that I would not have imagined getting back in the days or even than I do right now. Parents/guardians you have to direct your children in the ways of the Lord. If you let society raise your children you will regret it and God will not be happy with you either.

This century kids think they are entitled to things since it is readily available. I am working with pre-k children and it is so sad how kids refuse food prepared for them and just say' I do not like it " smh. Parents start your children off in Christ they will learn to be thankful/grateful. Children today are so unruly. Before you think it, I am not saying when I was growing up children were perfect or so good or neither was I. People said I was stubborn lol children back then were more obedient, grateful and disciplined. They followed what their parents said or did. They did not question/ fight/ argue.  They had chores/responsibilities. Today since things have gotten so modernized kids do little to nothing around the house. Children think they are wise/smart because of so much information available to them on the internet. They stay on electronic gadgets all day. Parents say I cannot get them off the phone. Excuse me who bought it? It seems today children run the house and the parents do not realize it. Kids sorry to bust your bubble wisdom only comes from God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

The lack of communication with children by parents or their guardian has caused so many problems. Some kids post so much personal information on social media sites. Little girls who did not grow up with a father are so desperate for love that they find it in the wrong places and time in their life.They really find LUST not love. They may sell themselves short to guys who deserve nothing from them. Most children are so self-centered and manner-less. They are horrible in my opinion. I pray God open parents eyes that still has a chance to influence their kids to change them into godly children. Those who has lost the chance I pray the 16 year old + will find Christ and be transformed into a loving,caring,holy, and righteous person.

p.s when I say children I am referring to people 2- 16

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Who do you love?

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

This word is so loosely used in today's society. We say we love one another but none of the following characteristics/behaviors follows.  Do you show this kind of love to your family members and others?
True love is sacrificial. Jesus Christ gave up his life for us. He came on a mission to save us and He did so. He knew people will beat him, his disciples will deny/betray him but He still took the wrath of God for us.

 1 John 3:14-15 message
The way we know we've been transferred from death to life is that we love our brothers and sisters. Anyone who doesn't love is as good as dead. Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know very well that eternal life and murder don't go together.

So who do you love? I love Jesus Christ The brave man who took all my sins and died on the cross for them. The only way to show we love Christ is to love others. We have to be patient, kind, endure suffering from others, and keep no record of what so and so did to us. Speak the truth (word of a God) to others. God saved us to save others. We should not keep our knowledge of the truth to our self. If you are truly saved and love others like yourself, you will share the gospel with others. Do not keep it to yourself. To who much has been given, much will be demanded Luke 12:48.

The love of God is so deep. He loves us so much. He wants to show us this love if we let him. God will not force anything on you. Deut. 30:11-20 talks about life. He set before us life and prosperity, death and destruction but it seems a lot of people are picking death. If you truly want to live you have to love God. The way we show we love God is by walking in obedience to Him, and keep his commands, decrees and laws. Sin is what keeps God from you. You are not a child of God if you make a practice of sin (1 John 3:7-10). Knowing the right thing to do and not doing it is sin. Awake fellow believers stop being deceived and deceiving yourself. God is only near to the righteous. Are u righteous?  Repent and turn from your evil ways, talk to God(pray) and read your word. He will direct you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Why are you in a relationship? 1 Cor 10:31 says whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Is God getting any glory in your relationship. If you are fornicating, depending on the other person more than God, then God is not getting any glory. We were made to glorify God. In all our ways we should acknowledge and glorify God.

When you are in a relationship there should be a purpose. The intention to get married should be at the back on your mind. If you do not see yourself marrying that person why are you wasting precious time texting, calling and hanging out with that person. I am 21 years old and have gone on only one date, People will find that shocking especially since I am in America. The culture says otherwise. Our standards as Christians should be the word of God(Holy Bible). Stop wasting your time, minutes,seconds and years on guys you see no future with.

In this century people say they are dating for fun or just pasting time. How can telling somone your thoughts, plans and dreams be fun and they have no business in it.  You are being deceived all that time you could have spent reading your Bible, learning a new hobby, learning to cook, and so many other fun things. The problem with it is people claim is for fun but they are worried  about what the boy/girl is doing. They are lurking on instagram pages, snooping through phone or asking people about the person's whereabouts lol.  People who are already in a relationship. Examine it. Are you in the relationship because you are afraid to be alone, have low self-esteem issues or for fun. Everything we do will be judged by God.

Ecc. 12:14
For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing,whether it is good or evil.

When you stand before God what will you say about your relationship? It is for your own good to end a relationship with no purpose. You are building up so much baggage for your future husband/wife. You will start having trust issues and so many other issues people deal with because they were in meaningless relationships. I thank God I did not deal with this issue but I see so many people going down this route.

Some people may say I do not believe in marriage. I am sorry you don't. It is a beautiful thing but society has turned it into crap. Africans use it as a means to an end. Marrying girls to pay off debt,boys/girls marrying because the girl is pregnant which would not have happened if they feared God/ loved Him and obeyed his commandments. There are so many other reasons. Some people use the biological clock thing. They assume "I am  not getting any younger and rush into marriage. If you truly know who you serve the beginning and the end that should not be an issue. Sarah had a baby at what age?  No one should rush into marriage with the wrong person and have to deal with the consequences. Americans use it as a publicity stunt or for security like health insurance and life insurance or whatever. If you read your Bible and ask God for understanding you will see why Eve was created for Adam. She was a helper. She was needed. Do not be in a relationship where you do no feel needed. If you are needed, is the man/woman godly? I do not mean does He/She go to church or believe Jesus Christ died on the cross? No I mean a man/woman after God's heart. They work daily to deny their self and take up the cross of Jesus. They show love and other fruits of the spirit(Gal.5:22). They care about winning souls for Christ and so many other good stuff. The person is bold, confident and prayerful.

Ladies and gentleman evaluate your relationship and if you are not in one like me keep waiting on God. He has someone special for you. Trust in the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly you will not regret it. Heaven and earth will pass away but God's words will never pass away.Matt 24:35

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Are you different?

1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

God chose you to declare His praises. In 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. Is what you are doing bringing God glory???

The chapter goes on in verse 11 that you should be foreigners and exiles (in the world) and abstain from sinful desires(the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war against your soul. You should conduct yourself properly among the worldly people so that may witness your good deeds and glorify God.

Ephesians 5:1-20 talks about how our conduct should be. We should walk in love(esteeming and delighting in one another) as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God(for you, so that it became) a sweet fragrance.  There should be no hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity,or of greed,because these are improper for God's holy people. Let there be no filthiness(obscenity,indecency) nor foolish and sinful(silly and corrupt) talk, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting or becoming; but instead voice your thankfulness (to God). These sort of people will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Christians scratch that disciples of Christ should be DIFFERENT. We should not be like the world. If you love the world the love of the father is not in you. 1 John 2:15-17

Examine yourself. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Confess your sins to the Lord and He will forgive you. Do not take grace for granted.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Where is your treasures?

Do not gather and heap up and store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal. But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:19-21 AMP

What makes you different as a Christian? Are you working hard just as an unbeliever chasing money,degrees,jobs and other worthless activities. We were called for more than that. Jesus said you will know my people by their fruit (Matthew 7:20). What fruit are you bearing? Have you shared the gospel? or saved a soul?

The main reason I believe people are not bearing fruit is because you do not have a true relationship with God. You are just religious. You go to church every Sunday but have not roots. You do not mediate on God's word. You are pretending to love God. If you love God you will want to hear from him and spend time with Him. You will obey his commandments. You do not pick and choose what to follow.

This day and age most people talk about relationships(bf/gf). I hear/see people talking about I just want to hear from that person all day long. Don't we know God wants to hear from us all day long. The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37). There are several scriptures that says pray without ceasing(1 Thess. 5:17) and pray in the spirit at all times (Eph. 6:18) but this cannot happen if your heart is far from God. You have to want to do His will and follow his ways already laid for you in the Holy Bible.

Examine yourself. We as Christians need to spend more time thinking of expanding God's kingdom not our own. I read a book that said the grave is the richest place because people did not use their gifts/talents from God. People are just chasing after money,houses,cars and so many other vain things. These things will not get buried with us or even go to heaven with us. Wake up fellow believers we were made for more than what we aspire for. Spend time with God and follow His ways. He will direct your path. Read all of Psalm 37 and I pray your blessed tremendously. Desire God and He will reveal Himself to you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Trust God

Why do we attribute all good things to God but we find it so hard to go to God when we are going through struggles. We stop going to church,praying and start saying I am trying to get myself together. What? How can you get yourself together without the one who created you. Children of God please open your eyes or as my Nigerian people say shine your eyes lol. You will kept being where you are(not maturing in Christ)  if we do not go through test or trials we will not grow. For example in school we are in one class/grade and we want to move on. We will be given an exam to take to move on to the next level. It is the same way with God. He will not reveal secrets,mysteries and so much good stuff to babies. My Nigerian people know about this. They say what an old man sees sitting down, a young man cannot see even if he climbs the biggest tree lol. It is the same with God. People who are still babies in Christ do not understand the big things. Your spiritual eyes are closed. You can only grow in spiritually from spending time with God ( by reading your Bible, praying, fasting,worshiping Him) in your own time. Disclaimer I did not say go to church. So many people think going to church is suppose to solve all their problems. NO. Do not get me wrong. I love going to church to fellowship with other believers. It is awesome but you have to have your own special time with God as well. Today with so many false teachers people have to be careful what information they are receiving. If you want the full effect. You have to understand the word of God.  God test us but He does not tempt us? In Psalm 66:10-12 The Israelites were going through a hard time "they said they were refined like silver". I know that must hurt.

If you loose a job, can't find a job,children are acting wayward,loosing friends, broke up with a boyfriend or life seems so tough let me say. You have neglected your personal time with God. God tells us to Rejoice always and to give thanks in all circumstances so if we are not having communion with God it is going to be hard to see why certain things are coming up. Please read the rest of the Psalm 66 to verse 20 to see what happened next.

 If you are in sin and are going through so many hard times. It is the devil frustrating you. You have to be dead to sin maximize God's grace. Read previous blogs to see if you are covered from the devil's schemes.

This blog is one of my shortest because is an encouragement to myself to stay focused on the things of God (Matt:6:33). God has been with me for 21 years of my life even though I have not always been with Him. I have nothing to loose in trusting Him. I know he has great and mighty things in store for me. Jer. 29:11